Using Permeable Pavers for Rainwater Harvesting

Course Description: Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable and economic solution to help ease some of the water scarcity and drought-related issues facing large swaths of the US. Utilizing permeable pavers to cleanse, capture, and convey stormwater to an underground storage system can provide harvested stormwater that can potentially be used for irrigation, laundry, toilets, car washing, and numerous non-potable water needs depending on what is allowed in local and state regulations. This presentation will provide real-world solutions to successfully capture, store and reuse rainwater, while educating the audience on the key design considerations required to implement the harvesting system. Design considerations that will be discussed include soil conditions and modifications (if necessary), hydrologic design; structural design for the permeable paver system and vault system; pump and discharge, pipe sizing, sizing the storage volume based on demand and precipitation; and overflow and bypass considerations.

Delivery Method: Live

Internal Course Code: OC132

Duration: 1h

HSW Compatible: Yes

Point of Contact Name: Liz McGhie

Point of Contact Email:

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