Using PICP to Meet Stormwater Treatment Objectives
Course Description: This program begins with a brief summary of the evolution of stormwater management beginning with conveyance and transitioning to water quantity management, and most recently stormwater treatment. Stormwater Control Measures using Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure design that can accomplish all of these objectives are now desired in many municipalities that deal with flooding or have environmentally sensitive waterways. This presentation will compare surface-based BMPs to manufactured treatment system options, and highlight Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement (PICP) as a viable solution to address conveyance, water quantity and quality objectives. A summary of the academic and industry research to date on using PICP for water treatment will be presented, along with strategies for combining the benefits of PICP with manufactured treatment systems.
Delivery Method: Live
Internal Course Code: HS:OC117a
Duration: 1h
HSW Compatible: Yes
Point of Contact Name: Liz McGhie