Masonry Solutions for BIM - Condensed

Course Description: This is a condensed version of the 2-hour course ECH-BIM-1901: Masonry Solutions for BIM. Masonry construction presents a myriad of challenges for specifiers – especially those who are less familiar with masonry construction methods, performance standards and assembly detailing. A new wave of BIM modeling tools seeks to bridge the gap between these challenges and the extensive benefits of masonry construction, including resiliency, energy performance and unique aesthetics. This presentation provides a condensed overview of BIM and its impact on the construction industry, with a particular focus on new software tools that are changing the way masonry is designed, specified, ordered, manufactured, shipped, installed and maintained. Additionally, this course will delve into masonry building codes – with a particular focus on energy codes – and how they work together with masonry materials to deliver safer, healthier and higher-performing buildings for occupants.

Delivery Method: Live

Internal Course Code: MS:ECH-BIM-1902

Duration: 1h

HSW Compatible: Yes

Point of Contact Name: Liz McGhie

Point of Contact Email: